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“Learning to Explore Indoor Environments using Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles”; Yuezhan Tao, Eran Iceland, Beiming Li, Elchanan Zwecher, Uri Heinemann, Avraham Cohen, Amir Avni, Oren Gal, Ariel Barel, Vijay Kumar (Poster, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2024, Yokohama 2024) arXiv:2309.06986 [cs.RO]
“Probabilistic Gathering of Agents with Simple Sensors”; Ariel Barel, Rotem Manor, Alfred M. Bruckstein (Poster, Conference on Collective Behavior, SMR 3201, Trieste 2018) arXiv:1902.00294 [cs.MA]

“On Steering Swarms”; Ariel Barel, Rotem Manor, Alfred M. Bruckstein (poster, Swarm Intelligence ANTS, Rome 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11172. Springer, Cham)